We’re harnessing the power of social media

Communication trends are advancing so quickly nowadays, we can barely keep up. The written word is certainly less popular at today’s pace. Attention spans are shortened and people just don’t have time to read through lengthy paragraphs online. The ability to grab our youth’s attention is particularly challenging when their preferred content is just a swipe away.

This is why an integral part of our current digital strategy development is to use social media to its full potential to engage with our youth, partners and supporters with dynamic content that is easy to consume. Through Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Vimeo, X (Twitter), and YouTube, we can share our mission with a wider audience, advertise our needs, attract new donors, encourage safe sex and adherence to HIV treatment, and gain popularity as a reliable source of information to support children and adolescents living with HIV.

With the help of AI technology and CHIVA Africa’s clinicians, adherence staff, peer advocates, and student volunteers from the Moshal Scholarship Program, we are working on creating social media posts that will educate, assist and empower healthcare workers, children and adolescents living with HIV, their caregivers, and our youth in general.

Our ultimate goal is an AIDS-free generation, and that goal can only be achieved by effective communication with our youth through the media they are consuming. HIV prevention, treatment and care activities must be in line with the needs of our youth if we intend to curb, and eventually stop, the transmission of new infections.


The only thing we want to go viral is our social media posts.
So, keep an eye on our social networking sites and please like, comment and share!


Link to CHIVA Africa Facebook page         Link to CHIVA Africa Instagram profile        Link to CHIVA Africa TikTok profile         Link to CHIVA Africa Vimeo page        Link to CHIVA Africa X (Twitter) profile